
I'm an editor, writer, designer and photographer.

Professional background

As a journalist in construction industry magazines I reported on environment, transport and planning. This was followed by work on communications and public relations in Scottish local government. In the IT industry I've been responsible for the editing, writing, production and design of software documentation for US, Canadian and Icelandic customers.

From 1999-2008 at the John Muir Trust, I edited, designed and produced the twice-yearly Journal, and annual reports, factsheets and newsletters.

I'm currently assistant editor of London Digest, a research bulletin for the Institute of Education's London Education Research Unit, and undertake pre-submission checks on MA dissertations.

Recent writing has been on the Scottish highlands and islands, and skiing.

Current design work covers programmes and websites, and technical illustrations to support a telecoms product suite.

I'm a member of Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild.


I walk the hills and ski regularly, in Scotland and the Alps, and have worked as a ski instructor on snow and artificial slopes. I swim and surf on British beaches and am a recreational cyclist.

Mike Merchant


Contact me

01488 608672

0793 953 7909
